Sorry I haven't been blogging. It's been a pretty busy month. Almost finished with Uni though... and then it'll be blogs GALORE!! :) I've got about a week and a half left until my paper is complete - or at least turned in - and the same amount of time until my parents come!!!! eeeeeeeeeek!!! :) So excited.
Okay... so for some reason, way back in August I didn't blog about my trip to the Ekka. The Ekka is basically a Fair (like the OC Fair) that Brisbane holds every year. I honestly have no idea why I didn't write about it. I know I had a video, and the sound wasn't working for some unknown reason, so I didn't want to put it up, but I still don't understand why I didn't at least put pictures up. So basically.... this is that blog... two months later. It's not all the pictures, but it's some of the good ones. :) I went with my flatmate, Vidya (Indonesian) and we met up with her friend Willy for a little bit (he's the guy in the video). The video is of a ride that Willy and I went on (Vidya was too afraid to go on it). It was pretty much awesome. I cried... screamed... and just about peed my pants. FYI... while you're watching, you might want to make sure your sound is down a fair bit... it is a bit loud. :)
Well.... that's all... just wanted to give you something to look at... and let you know that I AM alive! :) I have quite a few things I'd like to blog about (one being Church Youth Camp that was this past weekend), but just haven't gotten to it yet.
Please keep me in your prayers... that the rest of the paper will just flow out of my mind effortlessly.
Love and miss you all!
53 more days left!!!